Collecting José Mojica Marins movies can be almost as weird and confusing as the films themselves. You'll find yourself encountering unreleased films, double-dips, alternate aspect ratios and untranslated imports. It's as frustrating as it is fun. Marins is a Brazillian exploitation director best known for his iconic horror character Zé do Caixão, or Coffin Joe to us English speakers. His work practically defines the concept "not for everyone," but if you're of the right mindset, there's a lot to be appreciated in his ambitious films, especially the Coffin Joe titles. When you get past those, you're really putting on your "I Am a Curiosity Seeker" hat.
Update 1/30/15 - 2/12/17: It's update time, boys and girls! Synapse has just released their Coffin Joe Trilogy 3-DVD set. How are the transfers? What are the extras? Is there anything new? Should we replace our previous editions? Let's have a look! Oh, and I have also updated Part 2, but most of the pertinent new Synapse stuff is covered here in Part 1.
Update 2/12/24: Holy cow! His films are in HD now? Yes, Arrow has released a massive blu-ray boxed set featuring 4k restorations of his most famous features, which you can read a lot more about in Part 4. But we've done a whole overhaul of Parts 1 and 2, too. I've been busy!
His films have been primarily available in three main DVD collections. The Coffin Joe Trilogy from Fantoma came out first in 2002, after their success and notoriety via a series of VHS tapes from Something Weird. The titles were all sold separately or available together in a pretty wicked awesome coffin-shaped boxed set. Each DVD also came with a cool, reprint of a Coffin Joe comic book, and you got a bonus fourth if you got the coffin set. It's now long out of print, but was reissued in Australia in 2011 with the same transfers and extras, minus only the coffin box and comic books.
Then, in 2009, in conjunction with the release of his Marins' comeback film, Anchor Bay released another boxed set in the UK called The Coffin Joe Collection, which included a bunch more titles. And a few years after that, Marins released a huge boxed set of elaborate special editions through Cinemagia in Brazil called Coleção Zé do Caixão. A lot of it was untranslated, including most of the extras (we'll get into all those specifics, don't worry), but the films were.
In 2017, we got Synapse's The Coffin Joe Trilogy, which features the original two Coffin Joe films, plus his 2008 comeback, Embodiment of Evil, as opposed to the Fantoma set, which included Awakening Of the Beast as its third entry. It also has more extras that the Fantoma set, much of which comes from the Cinemagia box. Though fan hopes that they'd add subtitles to all the wonderful features there that lacked subtitles are mostly dashed; Synapse did at least do a little something. But more on all the specifics as we come to them.
And of course, now we have HD versions of all three films in Arrow's 2024 blu-ray set, Inside the Mind of Coffin Joe. How do those new transfers look compared to what came before?
At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul is the debut of Coffin Joe from 1963, the first of the trilogy. Here we're introduced to the evil undertaker (played by Marins himself) who keeps a small village under his thumb and is determined to find the perfect mate to give him a heir. He defies God by eating lamb on Good Friday and screaming monologues at the sky, treats people terribly, kidnaps potential concubines and even murders those who oppose him. It's a weird and original story, and Joe is a fantastic character. Opposed to those great elements are a low budget and non-professional filmmaking techniques as Brazil really didn't have a film industry. The flaws will drive most people far away from these films, but those remaining will have a huge grin on their face. This is something wild.
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1) 2002 Fantoma DVD; 2) 2009 Anchor Bay DVD; 3) 2012 Cinemagia DVD; 4) 2017 Synapse DVD; 5) 2024 Arrow BD. |
The Arrow restoration, a 4k scan of the 35mm interpositive and a print, is sticking with the full frame viewing, at a slightly wider 1.37:1, erring on showing more of the image than less. It only shaves slivers off the sides compared to the AB and Synapse, and vertically compared to AB. Grain is still on the soft side, but much more accurate than any of the previous releases. This is one of the more subtle upgrades - later discs in this set are more distinct improvements - but unquestionably still a solid upgrade. It has some of the strongest contrast levels yet, with solid blacks but if you look at the clergyman in the second set of shots, the highlights are not blown out for the first time ever. A naturalism has been restored to this movie, with less dirt distress than ever (that smudge in the upper right-hand sky is finally gone).
The original mono is a bit hissy and noisy on all of these, even Arrow's lossless LPCM. But the newer track is a better, with dialogue easier to discern. It's also important to point out that the English subtitles are removable on the Fantoma, Cinemagia, Synapse and Arrow sets, but burned into the print on the AB set.
Extras-wise, the Fantoma disc has an insightful ten minute interview
with Marins as its main feature. It's also got trailers for all three
films in the set, the comic book (which is a seriously high quality, 35
page reproduction of an original Coffin Joe story - don't underestimate
these bad boys), and an insert with notes from his biographer. Anchor
Bay has... nothing.The original mono is a bit hissy and noisy on all of these, even Arrow's lossless LPCM. But the newer track is a better, with dialogue easier to discern. It's also important to point out that the English subtitles are removable on the Fantoma, Cinemagia, Synapse and Arrow sets, but burned into the print on the AB set.
And the Cinemagia disc? Oh man. Well, it starts with a really cool claymation Coffin Joe intro, that appears on all the Cine discs. Then the film opens with a tragically unsubtitled introduction by Marins in character as Coffin Joe. Other untranslated extras include an audio commentary, audio from two Coffin Joe records, a silent short film called Bloody Kingdom (with commentary by Marins) and clips of two other short films, interviews with the editor, composer, two DPs, and the screenwriter, a new (2002) Coffin Joe scene that ties into a scene from this movie, a new interview with Marins, a featurette called Who's Afraid of Coffin Joe where people seem to be asked on the street about their Coffin Joe memories, a short featurette on his website and multiple trailers. There's also the complete, infamous footage of his eye surgery, which has no audio, so English speakers can "enjoy" this feature as much as anybody else, as well as several stills galleries.
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Claymation Joe |
Or you could've just waited for Arrow who... also left most of them behind. They rescued and translated the audio commentary, though, which is no small thing. And that Bloody Kingdom clip. Apart from the trailers, though, none of the other stuff has returned, either from the Cinemagia set or any of the other releases. We've gone backwards as much as we've gone forwards. Arrow has included clips from two of Marins' other early works, though, a new visual essay and a bunch of other random stuff on the other discs that I cover in Part 4. Real quick, though, I'd say the overall summation of the Arrow box is that the commentaries are awesome to finally get, but hang onto your old DVDs.
This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse (1966) is a the direct sequel to At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul, and Coffin Joe is back to up the ante. I hope I'm not giving too much away when I say that this is the film where Coffin Joe goes to Hell! I mean, literally, we see him walking around there and interacting; and those scenes are in full color, too. Holy shit, it's amazing! And no, that's not the ending. That just happens midway through; because Joe gets out to wreak more havoc on his quest to sire an heir and defeat God. And this time he has a hunchback assistant, too.
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1) 2002 Fantoma DVD; 2) 2009 Anchor Bay DVD; 3) 2012 Cinemagia DVD; 4) 2017 Synapse DVD; 5) 2024 Arrow BD. |
Even the color scenes look a little off on the AB disc, with the blacks looking blue. Worse, though, is the fact that Anchor Bay also has this crappy interlacing issue going on, which is possibly the result of a poor NTSC to PAL transfer. Fantoma and Synapse clearly had the superior picture (in this rare color section, we see the colors are a little more natural on the Synapse version), with Cinemagia a reasonably close second, while Anchor Bay's are a mess. But I say "had," of course, because Arrow has come and blown all past editions out of the water. It's a 1.37:1 4k from the original 35mm negative and interpositive, even without clicking through to the full-size screenshots, the more natural grayscale speaks for itself. It's a much more vivid picture, even if the colors are a little more muted than you might expect in the Hell sequence. It feels like they could've cranked the saturation a bit more, like past DVDs have, just to make the image more gloriously spectacular. But I suppose this is more accurate.
For extras, Fantoma once again has a Marins interview, plus the trailers, comic (they're all different) and another insert. And Anchor Bay has nothing.
Cinemagia continues to blow the others away, except for the fact that they're untranslated. It starts out with a new Coffin Joe intro to the film. There's another audio commentary. There's two more vintage recordings. There's six interviews, a featurette of Marins giving a tour of his museum, outtakes from a Coffin Joe commercial for Cinema Trash, a special effects make-up demonstration from some Marins project called Bruno (I think), a screaming test with a couple of actresses, another interview with Marins, a bunch of trailers, a website interview which might be the same as the last one and another episode of Who's Afraid of Coffin Joe. For us English speakers, well, there's a bunch of stills galleries... oh and an almost 30 minute documentary called The Universe of Mojica Marins! It has subtitles and it's pretty neat. It's a vintage doc about Coffin Joe from 1978 - if you've got the set and have been skipping the extras because they're not in English, go back and watch this.
And once again, Synapse comes in with a nice set of extras, but still leaving so much awesome Cinemagia stuff behind. But we do get the Fantoma interview. And we get one of the few already translated extras from the Brazilian box, the Universe documentary. But newly translated from the Brazilian box are the new interview with Marins, the museum tour, and the introduction. All those other interviews and stuff are not carried over, though we do also get the trailer and a photo gallery. Again, Arrow drops that, and doesn't add much that's specific to this film besides the commentary... which is, of course, a great addition. Other extras just on this disc could just as well be on any disc, as they relate more to Marins in general; and I cover that stuff in Part 4.
Now, Fantoma calls their set The Coffin Joe Trilogy and the third film they include is Awakening of the Beast (1969). But it's really just an unrelated, totally wacked out Marins film that, like many of his movies, has a strong hint of the Coffin Joe character in it. Marins himself has often said the trilogy was unfinished, and it was only in the late 2000s, when he made Embodiment of Evil (well after the Fantoma set had already come out), that he finally finished it. If you've been enjoying the Coffin Joe horror films so far, prepare for a huge shift and possibly a major disappointment. But if you can get past the fact that this isn't Coffin Joe 3, or even a horror movie at all, it's still pretty good, or at least interesting.
This is a very 60s film, showing the shocking things people might do while on LSD. Lots of dancing to bad music, sleazy sex... mostly those two things. Basically the film is a series of vignettes. Characters come, have their shocking LSD-induced moment, and then disappear, all being narrated by a couple of doctors talking about the effects of LSD. What would've been shocking in the 60s is tame now, making this pretty plodding and dull if you ask me. But the film picks up in the third act when Marins starts to get involved, playing himself. He experiments on some people, showing them his comics and movies (we even watch a clip of This Night), and talks about his work having strong psychological effects on people. It sounds like BS until he injects them with LSD and they hallucinate a crazy, full color sequence of Coffin Joe menacing them. It's trippy, imaginative, and a total blast. Coffin Joe walks across a bridge made of screaming humans, butts talk. Honestly, now that I've seen this film all the way through the first time, I tend to just skip to this part. It's got a great ending, too, which always makes me smile. The first half is just so rough to get through. So, I really don't think it has the broader appeal of the other Coffin Joe movies at all. But it is the most released of his films, not only included in all three sets, but as an individual release by Mondo Macabro. That's right, this next comparison is going to be a four-way.
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1) 2002 Fantoma DVD; 2) 2002 Mondo Macabro DVD; 3) 2009 Anchor Bay DVD; 4) 2012 Cinemagia DVD; 5) 2024 Arrow BD. |
But they all look like junk compared to Arrow's new 4k scan of a 35mm interpositive (and a print). The framing has again opened up to 1.37:1, and it's curious how much bluer the color scene is here than it ever was before. But it's just a whole different work of natural contrast, lossless audio and a genuinely crisp, filmic look. I'm actually surprised Marin's footage ever looked this good. And this is one of the films where the negatives didn't survive!
Mondo Macabro gets back into the race in the extras department, though. They've got a nice, little documentary called The Nightmares of Coffin Joe, which runs about 26 minutes and interviews not only Marins, but some of his collaborators, who we normally never get to hear from (they're on the Cinemagia set, sure, but not translated). If you're a big enough Coffin Joe fan, and starved for material like we all are, Nightmares is worth the price of admission alone. It's why I've got. Fantoma, meanwhile, comes slow but steady with another Marins interview, comic book, insert and set of trailers. And Anchor Bay - wait for it... has nothing.
And what has Cinemagia got for us this time? Another untranslated intro, commentary, pair of recordings, a 15 minute doc film on Joe called Fogo-Fatuo, five interviews, some kind of visit to the national archives about Marin's films, a weird orientation where Marins yells at what looks like college students and they squirm in their seats (hey, don't look at me), another Marins interview, another episode of Who's Afraid, more trailers, more stills galleries, and that website thing again (I don't know, maybe they are different on every disc). Nothing in English, though; move along.
And again, yes, Arrow has finally translated that commentary, but little else. The trailer's back, and there are alternate opening credits in addition to their pair of expert video essays. One of them is really just a shameless excuse to talk about himself using Marins as a framing device. Meanwhile, Cinemagia's interviews are left rotting on the vine...
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Marins from the Fantoma interviews, say goodbye to these |
Excellent write-up -- looking forward to part #2!
ReplyDeleteI remember Pete Tombs telling me the Brazilian licensor could only provide them with an NTSC master; once converted to PAL, it definitely looks weaker than the rest. The documentary on there is actually an episode of Mondo Macabro's UK TV series.
Synapse currently have the first two Coffin Joe titles and are planning DVD releases of them eventually. The last I heard the elements weren't able to be pulled and scanned again in HD, so a Blu is out of the question, unfortunately.
Writing from the distant future of 2021. Still no quality comprehensive Coffin Joe set in English. Where's Arrow Video on this shit? Hell, where's Criterion? I too would really like to see The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe, which seems to have disappeared from the world (I can't even find a VHS). The Fantomas set is still the best looking of the originals and it's now twenty years old. I cherish that boxset. Anyway, thanks for this write-up. RIP to the man himself, let's hope something comes together for us masochists in 2022.
ReplyDelete"Where's Arrow Video on this shit?"
DeleteYour prayers have been answered: