Now, my initial impulse was to hold off writing about these two until better HD options surfaced. But despite the odd, overseas and overpriced media-book, it doesn't look like anything better's coming down the pipeline. Considering the current state of Miramax and the not particularly high regard these films are held in, even by Hellraiser aficionados, We may well be living in the final chapter. So let's at least examine what we've got.
Update 10/31/23: Wow! I can't say I was expecting to see Hellraiser 4 restored in 4k, but here we are! It's all a part of Arrow's impressive, new Quartet of Torment, a UHD boxed set of the first four Hellraiser films, the other three of which I'm covering on their page over here.
1996's Hellraiser IV: Bloodline is a huge mess. To give you an idea, special effects artist turned one time director Kevin Yagher took his name off this, something the man behind Hellworld didn't even do. Although that's largely because this film involved a second director coming in and reshooting a lot of Yagher's material, substantially changing the story. But it's still a wonderfully ambitious mess that holds a strong appeal for fans who can see the intention behind the missteps on the screen. I once spent a long time personally re-editing this film with the workprint, trying to bring it back as much as I could do the original script. And that did yield a better version, but so many key scenes and effects don't seem to have ever been shot, so unfortunately I don't believe a director's cut would be possible, even imaging a scenario where that could get funded. So the film as we have it is just a tool for us to help picture screenwriter Peter Atkins' vision in our minds' eye.
Best known for being the "Hellraiser in space" movie, Bloodline almost takes on the format of an anthology, telling the ongoing saga of the L'Merchant (inventor of Hellraiser's signature puzzle box) family line over three different generations. So one is a period piece set in 18th century France, one's in contemporary US (ostensibly taking place in the location established at the end of Hellraiser 3), and one in far flung the future, in outer space. Unfortunately, budget cuts and studio interference lead to the film getting bogged down in the space station material, with a bunch of generic space marines wandering around bland, dark hallways, and the French stuff is given the shortest shrift. But there's still plenty of entertaining costumes, locations and new cenobites. And the ideas in the story are interesting, if not always fully serviced, and stay stay truer to the classic Hellraiser ethos than the previous film, which was more fun and coherent, but at the cost of taking the series somewhat of the rails.
Hellraiser 4 came out on DVD in 2000 from Dimension/ Buena Vista, and as you might expect from an Alan Smithee film, it's barebones. As an extra bonus, it's also non-anamorphic, so it was desperately in need of an upgrade. And that came along eventually, in the form of blu-rays from Echo Bridge, who packaged it separately, as a split release with Hellraiser 5, or as a Hellraiser 4-pack (all still on one disc), with parts 5, 6 and 8. I went with the double feature. Now I mentioned mediabooks, and there are some slightly intriguing import releases. There's a German set that includes a DVD of the workprint, for instance. But nobody was making any new masters. Well, there is an Australian disc with a scan of a film print that reportedly looks worse than the US discs, but at least it was an effort. But now in 2023, just in time for Halloween, Arrow's changed all that, with a brand new 4k scan of the original 35mm negative on UHD with HDR10 and Dolby Vision as part of their impressive, new Quartet of Torment boxed set (an alternative, 1080p BD set is available, too).
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1) 2000 Dimension DVD; 2) 2011 Echo Bridge BD; 3) 2023 Arrow UHD. |
Dimension's DVD has a fancy 5.1 mix and optional English subtitles, with Echo giving us a stereo mix, but bumped up to lossless DTS-HD, though losing the subtitles. Arrow now gives us the best of both worlds with the 2.0 and 5.1 mixes present and in lossless DTS-HD, plus the subtitles.
The Quartet of Torment box is full of special features (including a whopping 200 page hardcover book, much of which is devoted to this sequel), most of which I'm covering on the Hellraiser 1-3 page, but for the first time ever, Bloodline is getting some special features for itself (the DVD and BD didn't even have the trailer). First, there's an audio commentary with screenwriter Peter Atkins, along with moderators Kim Newman and Stephen Jones, the latter of whom also has some unique insight, having worked on the promotional material for the Hellraiser series at the time. They're a fun trio, and it's great to finally have the silence of this film be broken. Also included is an earlier cut of the film in workprint form. It's 1080p open matte full frame at 1.33:1, clearly sourced from tape with a counter imposed over the image during the whole thing. As someone who's homemade his own little composite cut of Hellraiser 4 in the past, though, I'm happy to report that this is a different edit than the workprint that's been floating around on the internet for decades. There's also a short clip of extra footage from that older workprint of about six minutes that aren't in this version or the final film. And there's the trailer.
Now, Bloodline is the last film Clive Barker lent his name to, and upon its release, he seemed pretty dead set against Inferno. But now looking at the long line of films, it may not just be the best of the post-Barker sequels, but in some ways better than one or two of the Barker-produced entries. The acting has certainly improved over Bloodline, and it manages to avoid the cornier aspects of Hell On Earth (i.e. no CD-Head equivalent). Rather than furthering the story of Pinhead, Inferno - probably wisely - is a smaller story, one that actually harkens back to the original Hellraiser graphic novels from the late 80s and early 90s, where new characters would encounter their own gateways to Hell, and face their own inner demons. Doug Bradley's still in it, but he's returned to a very background role, as he was in the original story. Despite the lack of Barker's endorsement, it feels like these guys got the intentions of the original writing more than Atkins and Co.
That said, it falls short in its own ways. It obviously suffers from a very constricted budget, and the decision to make this a police procedural isn't the worst idea for an entry in this saga, but does make it feel like typical television fare. And casting Nick Turturro straight out of NYPD Blue didn't help. Nightbreed's Craig Sheffer helps us feel like we're still in the Barkerverse, but at the cost of a better performance another actor would've given us. And the fact that the Hell factor has been dialed down definitely detracts from the thrills the previous four films delivered. It feels like episode 1 of the Hellraiser cable TV show, rather than another film, and as the first of many Hellraisers to go direct-to-video, I guess that's not too far off the mark. The cenobites look cool when we see them, but they only get a handful of minutes' screen time. But still, Scott Derrickson, who's gone on to commandeer Marvel's current Doctor Strange, has restored a degree of quality that it's kind of a bummer Clive never recognized.
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1) 2000 Dimension DVD; 2) 2011 Echo Bridge BD. |
And the audio situation is the same as part 4 was. The DVD had a 5.1 mix with subtitles, while the BD gives us a lossless DTS-HD stereo mix and no subs. And again, the blu is barebones. The DVD at least had minimal extras: a six minute interview with Doug Bradley, an even shorter featurette where Gary Tunnicliffe gives us a look at the effects for the puzzle box and Pinhead's pins, and the trailer for Hellraiser 4. So we've also lost those.
So Echo Bridge's release was actually a satisfying and entirely valid upgrade for the Bloodline DVD. But for Inferno? It's a tough call if the DVD is actually better or worse, all things considered. Serious fans will be replacing Bloodline with the Quartet box, along with the original trilogy, all of which are substantially improved, and blessed with new features. But for Inferno, there are those import blus. Not that they'll have different masters, but by simply not being interlaced, you would genuinely do better going for the German (which has the Doug Bradley but not the Tunnicliffe interview) or Japanese (barebones) BDs. The only question is if it's worth the trouble. Because, boy are the US blu-rays prevalent and cheap.
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